Angela Foyle

Non-Lay member

Appointed to IRB: January 2023


Angela qualified as a Chartered Accountant before spending many years specialising in financial sector taxation in both accounting and legal firms.  She transferred to risk management, focusing on anti-money laundering and economic crime risks as Head of Economic Crime and Money Laundering Reporting Officer for BDO LLP UK.  Angela is currently Head of Risk Management and Economic Crime at BDO Global Office.  

In this role, Angela has had experience of working with HMRC, as well as with AML supervisors.  She recognises the important role that accountants have as gatekeepers and their need to act ethically at all times.

Declaration of Interests

Membership of, or interests in, formal bodies or groups, including other professional bodies

  • Fellow of the International Compliance Association
  • Member of the Suspicious Activity Reporting Strategic Reform Board 
  • Member of the Public Private Steering Group led by HM Treasury, Home Office and UK Finance
  • Chair of Accountancy Europe Anti-Money Laundering Expert Working Group
  • Chair of CCAB Economic Crime Working Group

Membership of ICAEW Council, ICAEW Boards and other ICAEW Committees

  • Member of the ICAEW Economic Crime Sub-Committee
  • ICAEW Regulatory Board

Partnerships, Directorships or beneficial interests in companies

  • Partner in BDO LLP, an accounting firm registered to carry out audit work in the UK by ICAEW 

Professional or social relationships with individuals who have business relationships or who compete with ICAEW

  • Connected with other partners and staff at BDO LLP who may be members of ICAEW committees or bodies.

Any other matters you feel should be identified

  • None