Anthony is a strategic leader in the field of regulation. In addition to his work on the ICAEW Regulatory Board (IRB), Anthony has current or recent senior-level experience of regulating in the financial and legal services. He is the portfolio lead for legal services regulatory matters for the IRB and acts as Chair of the IRB’s Legal Services Board (LSB) sub-group. He is also serving as a senior official at the Payment Systems Regulator, energy and water sectors This work covers the full cycle of regulatory activity, from policy development (including investigating whether markets are working well for consumers), to recommending which rule changes to develop and implement, to monitoring the effectiveness of rules – including monitoring the conduct of parties and taking enforcement action where appropriate. Anthony also has significant experience in ensuring the interests of vulnerable customers are a focus for government, regulators, and regulated parties.
Declaration of Interests
Membership of, or interests in, formal bodies or groups, including other professional bodies
- Member, Committee on Fuel Poverty
- Chair, Code Change Committee for the Non-Household Water Market
- Lay Panel Member, Solicitors Disciplinary Tribunal
Membership of ICAEW Council, ICAEW Boards and other ICAEW Committees
- ICAEW Regulatory Board (IRB)
Partnerships, Directorships or beneficial interests in companies
- None
Professional or social relationships with individuals who have business relationships or who compete with ICAEW
- None
Any other matters you feel should be identified
- None