Catherine has had lengthy involvement in professional regulation and is committed to ensuring that regulatory processes are robust, transparent, promote the public interest and fair. She currently chairs tribunals for Social Work England and previously chaired tribunals for several other regulators. Catherine is a magistrate.
Catherine has extensive experience of governance, public interest and ethical issues including as a lay member of the Research Ethics Committee for Manchester Metropolitan University and previously on the Department of Health’s Independent Investigations Governance Committee. She was also on the Independent Ethics Committee for Greater Manchester Police and chair of the boards of a large independent school and a charity. Catherine is a former chair of the ICAEW’s Insolvency Licensing Committee.
Declaration of Interests
Membership of, or interests in, formal bodies or groups, including other professional bodies
- Chartered Fellow – Chartered Management Institute
- Member of the Magistrates’ Association
Membership of ICAEW Council, ICAEW Boards and other ICAEW Committees
- ICAEW Regulatory Board (IRB), former member and chair of the Insolvency Licensing Committee (2016 -2024)
Partnerships, Directorships or beneficial interests in companies
- Director of Axient Consulting Limited
Professional or social relationships with individuals who have business relationships or who compete with ICAEW
- None
Any other matters you feel should be identified
- My daughter and son are both undertaking ACA training with ICAEW.